22 September, 2011

Every Single (Dang) Day

Random Interaction with a very random acquaintance:


How have you been?

Oh things aren't going too well for you?


DON'T SAY "WHAT'S THE MATTER?" or anything similar to said response.

This is the part where you interrupt with the ol' "oh sorry, somebody needs me somewhere else, I think", or the very up front, "Sorry. But we're out of time"...

But are you really out of time?


Lately I have been dealing with some absurd situations that I shouldn't really categorize as "dramatic", but these certain scenarios do hold some overly-dramatic undertones. You follow me? New identities and ideals being formed, mysteriously---things like that. Very odd city, this New York City. And who better to inhabit an odd city than a bunch of nutters? (DO NOT exclude me from this group.) New York is full of em"...

Reality television has spread some untruth and now the world seems to be obsessed with dramatics. The world needs drama. Because drama is "real". Is that right? Can't be wrong, right?

I don't mind a lil' bit of "d" in my life...but please, I'll have mine like I have my high-fructose corn syrup---in moderation, please.  It has become synonymous with doping in my mind. Some of these fiends just gotta have "d" in order to function. I don't understand the people that intentionally seek out to make things difficult for themselves and others. These are not your friends. These are the fiends. Avoid em'. You see them comin', you do what I do: Say "Oh sh*t! Trouble's comin'...", then scurry away. Works every time.

Satisfaction through evasion.

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